Chord Electronics Hugo M Scaler - Upscaler autonome

3'359.00 CHF
3'729.00 Économisez 370.00
Le Hugo M-Scaler est un upscaler (sur-échantillonneur) autonome ULTRA avancé capable de redéfinir la qualité sonore de toutes les sources audio numériques. Il utilise les technologies de filtres uniques de Rob Watts (les plus avancées au monde) pour améliorer l'audio numérique standard de 44,1 kHz jusqu'à 705,6 kHz. L’utilisation optimale de l’appareil a été prévue via la paire de sorties sur prises BNC qui se connectent aisément à un DAC comme Dave, Hugo TT2 ou Qutest de Chord. Le châssis de l'appareil a été dessiné pour pouvoir s'empiler sur l'ampli stéréo Hugo TToby et l'ampli/DAC Hugo TT2. On retrouve en façade les voyants de forme caractéristique indiquant les entrées utilisées et leur échelle d'échantillonnage par un code couleur, comme sur d'autres appareils Chord de la série Hugo.
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Using technology first seen in the flagship BLU MKII digital/CD transport, the Hugo M Scaler is a standalone upscaling device containing the world’s most advanced digital filter. When used with a dual-BNC-input Chord Electronics DAC, it is capable of redefining digital audio sound quality.

The Hugo M Scaler brings the unrivalled advantages of our ground-breaking FPGA-based WTA (Watts Transient Alignment) filtering technology to digitally connected audio devices, dramatically improving sound quality. Although optimised for use with selected Chord Electronics DACs (for the maximum 768kHz upscaling/decoding benefit), the Hugo M Scaler can be used with other DACs with suitable inputs, subject to their decoding capability.

The Hugo M Scaler’s compact form factor aligns with the TT (Table Top) series and has been designed to be stackable with other units in the range, including the TToby stereo power amp and the Hugo TT 2, to form a highly advanced yet space-saving system. In line with other models in the Hugo and Hugo TT series, the device features a number of illuminable fascia-mounted spherical controls, governing input selection, output sample rate and video mode for lower latency. The control spheres display data visually including input source and the incoming sample rate, using a polychromatic scale.

When partnered with either of Chord Electronics’ 768kHz-capable dual-BNC-input DACs, the Hugo M Scaler sets an astonishing technical benchmark for digital audio performance at it price point, redefining sound quality from digital audio.

2x BNC
2x optical
1x galvanically isolated USB Type-B compatible with DSD and PCM data (up to DSD 256); with DSD upsampled to PCM
1x optical
1x galvanically isolated dual BNC (enables upscaling to the maximum resolution (768kHz from 96kHz data)
Additional features: 
The most advanced digital filter in the world
Adjustable sample rate output (with pass-thru mode)
Video mode (for lower latency)
Auto video and source selection
‘DX’ controls for future product
Designed, engineered and entirely made in the UK
Precision-milled chassis, crafted from aircraft-grade aluminium

Caractéristiques techniques Chord Hugo M Scaler:
FPGA: Xilinx XC7A200T
Filter tap length: 1,015,808 WTA taps
Dimensions: 235 x 40.5 x 236mm (WxHxD)
Weight: 2.55kg
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