Clearaudio TT027-I Innovation - sans bras et sans cellule

11'900.00 CHF
Le modèle Innovation représente un prototype technologique ultime. Un capteur à infrarouges, associé au contrôle optique de vitesses OSC de Clearaudio (optical speed control) assure une précision impressionnante de la vitesse – un critère incontournable pour une écoute optimale.
Le moteur à courant continu et à couple élevé, découplé de la platine, met en rotation sans forcer un plateau d’acrylique à haute densité de 70 mm d’épaisseur, réalisé en usinage de haute précision.
Le plateau se meut dans un environnement quasiment débarrassé de toute friction, sur son sous-plateaud’acier de 15 mm d’épaisseur, grâce au dispositif breveté par Clearaudio de roulements céramiques magnétiques CMB (ceramic magnetic bearings). Vous avez à votre disposition trois vitesses au choix, et la possibilité d’y installer un second bras de lecture.

An infrared sensor combined with Clearaudio's optical speed control (OSC) ensures an outstanding level of speed stability – a prerequisite for optimal listening. A high-torque decoupled DC motor effortlessly rotates the precision-machined 70mm-thick platter made of high-density acrylic. The platter rotates in a virtually frictionfree environment atop the 15mm-thick stainless steel sub platter, thanks to Clearaudio's patented ceramic magnetic bearing (CMB). A convenient choice of three rotational speeds is also at your fingertips, and it is possible to install a second tonearm.
CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: Resonance optimised chassis's shape, belt driven with optical, full automatic speed control
SPEED RANGES: 33 ⅓ rpm, 45 rpm, 78 rpm
DRIVE UNIT: Decoupled DC motor in a massive metal-housing.
This turntable can be connected to 230 V or 110 V AC (50 Hz and 60 Hz).
BEARING: Inverted and polished ceramic bearing shaft, polished sinter bronze insert, including patented CMB bearing technology
PLATTER: VA stainless steel sub-platter, Delrin or acrylic GS-PMMA platter, precision CNC machined surface
SPEED ACCURACY (MEASURED): less than ± 0.05 %
POWER CONSUMPTION: Max. consumption: 9.3 Watt
Consumption in operation: 2.5 Watt
Standby mode: 2.5 Watt
Off mode: 0.0 Watt
TOTAL WEIGHT: Approx. 23 kg (without tonearm and power supply)
DIMENSIONS (W/D/H in inches): Approx. 16.85 x 15.35 x 8.19 (without tonearm)
DIMENSIONS (W/D/H in mm): Approx. 428 x 390 x 208 (without tonearm)
WARRANTY: 5 years*
* Only if the Manufacturer's guarantee card is filled out correctly and sent back within 2 weeks to Clearaudio.
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