Shunyata STIS/SP-8 V2 - STIS Speaker Cable Termination, Spade, 4 terminals (8mm)

179.00 CHF
189.00 Sie sparen 10.00
Shunyata Research’s STIS SP/8-V2 terminals were conceived of and designed by Caelin Gabriel to eliminate the cost and complication of re-terminating speaker cables due to a change in electronics or speakers, or in the event of damage to a connector. These interchangeable, locking connectors offer the flexibility to change the termination of the speaker cable without any compromise to performance or necessitating service of any kind.
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If a spade is damaged, you can simply replace it. If you buy a new amplifier or speaker that has different connections, you can simply exchange the existing connector for the one that matches your connection requirement.
These custom-designed connectors have undergone extensive development and field testing to insure that they offer the finest performance attainable, without compromise.

For new STIS v2 terminals (Banana & Combo Spade) –
Loosen or remove the retaining screw using a hex key.
Drop the existing connector out and add the new connector, lining up the retaining hole in the connector with the threaded hole on the cable’s STIS socket.
Screw in the retaining screw with the hex key to tighten and secure.

Interchangeable terminal system
Precision machined
Gold plated

STIS are standard termination on all Shunyata Research speaker cables.
Change termination without having to send the cables back
Can the same cables with different amps or speakers
Repair a damaged terminal without soldering or need for a technician
Combo Spade v2
Banana v2
Spade 6mm
Spade 8mm
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