Shunyata VENOM-V10 XC - Strohm 1,75 meter

679.00 CHF 1,75 mètres
718.00 Sie sparen 39.00
Shunyata Venom V10 XC can be used for any component application, but specializes in high-current delivery for use with power-distributors, amplifiers and pre-amps due to its linear design, massive conductor gauge and premium parts quality.
There is no better example of specialized power cord engineering for high-current performance and value than the Venom 10 XC power cord.
The Venom range of power cables provide objective, dramatic performance benefits that simply do not exist outside of Shunyata’s own product range — regardless of price!

It takes us fifteen days to get your cables to the length you need from Shunyata. Click on "Request Information" above to get an offer. It takes CHF 48.- by 0.25 meter extra to get the length you need.
10 AWG OFE Conductors
Fluorocarbon Dielectric
600 VAC Rating
RFI/EMI Shielded
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0 800 800 660
24/7 Kostenlos unsere Berater anrufen 0 800 800 660