Weiss Audio DAC202 USB DSD - DAC PCM 24-bit/192-kHz & DSD64 et 128

4'000.00 CHF
Kunden OCCASION: im perfektem Zustand.
Der Weiss DAC 202, zweikanaliger, fernsteuerbarer PCM 24-Bit/192-kHz  und DSD64 & 128 Digital/Analog Wandler, integrierter sehr hochwertiger Analogvorverstärker, audiooptimiertes Firewire Interface, mit Fernbedienung uns USB.
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Digital Inputs: AES/EBU or S/PDIF on 1 XLR, 1 RCA, 1 Toslink, Firewire
Digital Outputs: AES/EBU on 1 XLR, 1 RCA, Firewire
Main Analog Output: 2 stereo analog outputs, one on XLR one on RCA
Headphone output on 1/4" Jack
Level control main output: 4 coarse settings via relays (analog domain), fine setting via rotary encoder (digital domain). Level control can be defeated for the main output.
Level control headphone output: 4 coarse settings via relays (analog domain, independent from the settings in the main output), fine setting via rotary encoder (digital domain).
Wordsync input on BNC connector
Wordsync output on BNC connector
Frontpanel controls:
LCD display for display of sampling rate, input source, audio level, absolute phase, upsampling filter type, various menu items
Rotary encoder with push switch
IR receiver
Standby LED
Headphone Jack socket
Special features:
Transparency check (allows to check the bit transparency of a playback chain)
Setting of the coarse output levels (analog domain), separate for the main output and the headphone output
Dual / single wire selection for 176.4 / 192 kHz sampling rate
"Insert Mode" allows to loop in a external digital audio device (e.g. a equalizer) via the AES/EBU I/O on the XLR connectors
Sampling rate setting on the WSYNC I/O connectors in dual wire mode
Display brightness
IR Remote control switches:
power on/off
volume up
volume down
input sources (4 switches for Firewire, XLR, RCA. Toslink)
DAC upsampling filter type
absolute phase
Sampling rates: 44.1 up to 192 khz / 24 Bits

The DAC202 also has a new D/A converter and new analog output stages
compared to former D/A Converter models. The D/A converter uses two converters per channel to gain in signal to noise ratio.
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