Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE Préamplificateur phono

999.00 CHF
Tout simplement le meilleur préamplificateur phono disponible sur le marché. Cette merveille transcendera tous vos vinyles! Livré avec l'extraordinaire alimentation PWX.
Input Stage Dual mono Microphone preamp Chip newest generation
Gain settings 36dB, 46dB, 56dB, 66dB
Max. gain 66dB
Internal impedances (selectable) 47k, 1k, 100R
Onboard slot for custom impedance ✓ yes plus additional hard wire slot
Internal input capacitance and cap type 100p
KP 1%
Soft Bass Rolloff filter jumper ✓ yes
High Gain jumper ✓ yes
RIAA filter caps MKP
Bass coupling after RIAA MKP
Second gain stage Dual Mono Burr Brown OPA 134
Discrete Output buffer Zero global feedback -
Output capacitor MKP
DC-Output jumper ✓ yes
Power supply features on audio board Chokes
RC-Filters with high electrolytic bypass
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0 800 800 660