Weiss Audio INT202 - Convertisseur Firewire vers AES/EBU & S/PDIF

840.00 CHF
Convertisseur Firewire vers AES/EBU & S/PDIF (24-bits/192kHz)
The INT202 is a small interface box for Firewire to AES/EBU and S/PDIF conversion. In addition the audio volume and polarity can be controlled in the digital domain via an infrared remote control unit. The INT202 finds its application in interfacing a PC or MAC computer to a D/A Converter unit. With the volume control feature it can also replace a preamplifier. The outputs can be operated in single wire up to 192 kHz sampling rate or in dual wire at the 176.4 / 192 kHz rates.

Remote control sold separately for CHF 250.-
Two Firewire 400 sockets. Firewire 800 can be connected via an appropriate cable
Can be powered from the Firewire bus or from an optional power supply
Two XLR output sockets
Two RCA output sockets
Operates up to 192kHz sampling rate
Single wire operation at sampling rates of 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz
Single or dual wire operation at sampling rates of 176.4 or 192 kHz
Infrared remote control (optional) for volume and absolute phase
Volume control is dithered to avoid quantization distortion
Bit transparency check feature for testing the computer player software
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